2023, video-installation

During the height of the Covid-19 lockdowns, artist Marijn Brussaard created the video-installation Undefined. Faced with the harsh winter and pandemic - he locked himself in his anti-kraak studio in Nieuw-West. There he was set out to build his own alternative world and to immerse himself in a place of artificial beauty and tranquility. In Undefined, lush greenery abounds, vibrant flowers bloom and butterflies scatter. The gentle sound of bird songs and trickling water can be heard in the distance. All of it is artificial, evoking a game-like quality. The creation of the oasis was a means of escaping a chaotic world and to deepen his research on artificiality, authenticity and hyperreality.

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Undefined was shown at Het Huis Utrecht and Arti et Amicitiae in Amsterdam as part of Life Potential groupshow, curated by Leon Stoffelen and Ersin Eken in 2023.

Concept, maker Marijn Brussaard
Performance Barnaby Savage

Special thanks Tim Linde